
1.1      There is a clear requirement for the Authority to achieve value for money. The Authority must ensure a process of openness, integrity, accountability, probity and transparency. These Contract Standing Orders have been written to ensure that this requirement is achieved for the Service. Any procurement decision must therefore be made in the context of achieving overall value for money for the Service.

These Contract Standing orders aim to explain in simple terms the rules and procedures for obtaining written quotations and competitive tenders from Suppliers for the provision of Works, Goods and Services. 

Applying the Contract Standing Orders will:

·     Achieve value for money.

·     Adhere to legal obligations.

·     Maintain standards of conduct.

·     Be fair to suppliers.

·     Protect officers.

·     Demonstrate accountability for public money.

·     Meet its corporate and directorate aims and policies; and

·     Comply with the Service’s Procurement Approach.

 1.2      The Authority’s constitution incorporates Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules that provide a framework for managing the Authority’s financial affairs. They apply to every Member and Officer of the Authority and anyone acting on its behalf.

1.3      These Contract Standing Orders should be read in conjunction with both the Financial Regulations and the Scheme of Delegation.

2. Officer Responsibilities

2.1      Officers must ensure that each procurement requirement is dealt with in accordance with any statutory requirements including relevant legislation, is within budgetary provision and is in accordance with the Constitution, these rules and all Service policies, procedures and strategies.

2.2      To ensure timely procurement activity, Chief Officers will delegate authority to appropriate employees within their Directorate/Services/Sections/Groups to procure on their behalf. Each Director must however provide and maintain a list of the officers authorised to initiate procurement, place orders and make payments specifying a maximum financial limit for each transaction within any pre-defined limits. The Scheme of Financial Delegation should be reviewed regularly. Officers must ensure before beginning any procurement that they have the appropriate authority to undertake it by means of delegated authority.

 2.3      Chief Officers will ensure that all employees authorised to initiate procurement, place orders and make payments have the appropriate knowledge, skills and training to undertake the same.