1.0 Travel Allowance – Mileage Rate
1.1 The appropriate mileage rate for travel by a Member’s own motor car is 45p per mile in line with the Lancashire County Council’s rate and any future changes to the County Council’s rate will be mirrored by changes in the CFA’s rate.
1.2 The rate set out in 1.1 above may be increased by not more than the amount of any expenditure incurred on public transport, on tolls, ferries or parking fees, including overnight garaging.
1.3 The appropriate mileage rate for travel by a Member’s own motor cycle or moped is 24p per mile in line with the Lancashire County Council’s rate and any future changes to the County Council’s rate will be mirrored by changes in the CFA’s rate.
For the purposes of the rate specified in 1.1 and 1.3 above, the cylinder capacity (cc) shall be that entered in the vehicle registration book or document by the Secretary of State under the Vehicles (Excise) Act 1971.
1.4 The mileage rate for use of a bicycle is 20p per mile. This rate should be revised in accordance with the maximum allowance for Income Tax purposes as determined by the Inland Revenue.
2.0 Subsistence Allowances
2.1 Members may claim up to the maximum amounts of the following fixed allowances when absent for the period stated below from their normal place of residence; subject to costs being actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties for and on behalf of the Authority:-
a) a period less than 4 hours - £8.45
b) a period between 4 and 8 hours - £16.80
c) a period between 8 and 12 hours - £33.63
d) a period in excess of 12 hours - £50.41
Actual expenditure in excess of £50.41 may be reimbursed subject to production of receipts.
These allowances shall be reviewed annually in line with the consumer price index as published in November of the preceding year. (As agreed at the CFA meeting held 20 June 2016.)
3.0 Overnight Allowance
3.1 Wherever possible, Members should organise their accommodation requirements through the Authority, which pre book and pre pay in advance.
In exceptional circumstances, where it is not possible for the Authority to make a direct booking on behalf of a Member, the actual receipted cost of accommodation, including breakfast will be reimbursed to the Member. Such reimbursement will be subject to a maximum allowance per night of £193.12 for London and £168.14 elsewhere in the UK. These maximum allowances shall be reviewed annually in line with the consumer price index as published in November of the preceding year. (As agreed at the CFA meeting held 20 June 2016.)