The Service’s Protection Strategy 2022-27 recognises the importance of developing partnerships to drive effective targeting. Modern Slavery is recognised in this context and identified as an area for further development.
LFRS fully supports and implements safeguarding policies to promote welfare and protect from harm. The policies cover the roles and responsibilities of all staff in relation to the safeguarding of adults and children who are suffering from, or are at risk of abuse, neglect or self-neglect including modern slavery and human trafficking.
LFRS is not the primary authority in relation to safeguarding those at risk, however its responsibility to ensure that its staff, many of whom come into contact with vulnerable members of the public as part of their normal duties, are aware of the issues associated with safeguarding those at risk is fully recognised.
Policies and associated training outline reporting procedures as well as how to store, process and share safeguarding information securely. All safeguarding referrals are quality assured by the Prevention Support Team to ensure consistency and high standards.
LFRS Protection Officers work closely with the fourteen District Council Authorities who have responsibility for Housing Standards, as well as other enforcing agencies such as Police and Border Force. This has led to LFRS participation in multi-agency operations where poor housing standards and links to modern slavery are suspected. Within the legal powers available to LFRS this has allowed Inspectors to take immediate action to reduce risk including the serving of enforcement and prohibition notices. LFRS operates a Risk Based Inspection program which includes the facility for inspection activity to be based on intelligence provided by other agencies.