Executive Summary

In accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 a pay policy statement for 2025/26 has been prepared.  

The pay policy publishes data on senior salaries and the structure of the workforce and demonstrates the principles of transparency.

The pay policy statement sets out the Authority’s policies for the financial year relating to:

  • The remuneration of its chief officers.

  • The remuneration of its lowest paid employees.

  • The relationship between the remuneration of its chief officers and that of other employees who are not chief officers.

The statement includes:

·               The level and elements of remuneration for each chief officer.

·               Remuneration range for chief officers on recruitment.

·               Methodology for increases and additions to remuneration for each chief officer.

·               The use of performance-related pay for chief officers.

·               The use of bonuses for chief officers.

·               The approach to the payment of chief officers on their ceasing to hold office under, or be employed by, the authority.

·               The publication of and access to information relating to the remuneration of chief officers.


It also includes the Authority’s policies for the financial year relating to other terms and conditions applying to its chief officers. 



The Authority is asked to approve the Pay Policy Statement.

Contact for further information – Elizabeth Sandiford, Director of People and Development Tel: 01772 866804


The approval of a pay policy statement cannot be delegated by the Authority to a Panel. The Fire Authority’s pay statement must be approved by the 31 March each year. It is recognised when Executive Board pay is raised it will be tightly scrutinised by elected members, staff within the Service and members of the public. 

The Authority is asked to approve the Statement hereunder.