The Fire Authority attracts and retains a competent, motivated and well led workforce, to meet current and future organisational needs and to be an employer of choice with improved working practices, work life balance, personal development, health and well-being and fair pay. We are committed to striving to achieve fairness in pay and reward structures across all occupational groups considering all the employment relationships that exist.
Pay increases in 2024/25 were:
4% for staff covered by the “grey book” (wef 1 July 2024).
4% for Principal Officers (wef 1 July 2024) in accordance with the agreed linkage to “grey book” staff.
A £1,290 increase to all spinal column points for “green book staff” was agreed nationally (wef 1 April 2024). In addition, all locally agreed pay points above the maximum of the national pay spine were increased by 2.50%.
In addition to pay, the national agreements cover other terms and conditions such as annual leave and allowances for use of private vehicles on Authority business. The Authority pays car allowances in accordance with these national scales.
There are two Pension schemes in existence: the Firefighters’ 2015 Pension scheme and the Local Government Pension Scheme. Some employees retain legacy scheme pension membership in the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (which became closed to new entrants in 2006) or the New Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (which became closed to new entrants on establishment of the 2015 scheme). All firefighters are now members of the 2015 Firefighters Pension Scheme.
All employees may join a pension scheme which is relevant to their occupational group. The operative schemes are statutory schemes with contributions from employers and the employees.
The Local Government Pension Scheme provides for flexible retirement for which the Fire Authority has approved a Policy statement.
The Firefighters’ Pension Schemes allow for re-engagement after retirement. Any utilisation of this option is subject to approval by the Authority based on a business case and demonstrated need and may involve abatement of pension benefit where appropriate.
There are currently three pay grades for Grey Book staff (trainee, in development and competent). There is a spinal column points and grading system for Green Book staff, the policy is to start any appointee on the lowest point of the pay grade, save for where an applicant brings specific skills or experience to a post, they then progress through the points until the maximum grade. In respect of Gold Book staff, they are appointed within a grade range of points and progress by incremental progression until the maximum of the range is reached on a similar basis.
The “green book” grading is determined and underpinned by the Local Government Job Evaluation Scheme. The salaries utilised are above the ‘living wage’. The
Service has a Market Supplements Policy, which covers all posts, and where evidence exists of recruitment and retention issues, allows the Service to make any additional payments to reflect the market rate. This is reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and is of particular importance in times of challenging recruitment and retention.
Delegated powers for the payment of honoraria lie with the Chief Fire Officer.