Safety, Health and Environment Policy - Statement of Intent
The Chair of the Fire Authority and Chief Fire Officer have overall responsibility for compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and other associated legislation. We recognise the impact that a positive health, safety and wellbeing and environmental culture has on the organisation.
We are committed to the continuous improvement of safety, health and environmental performance and management for the services we deliver and activities we undertake. We will aspire to the highest standards of health, safety and wellbeing for our staff and prevent pollution and minimise our impacts on the environment. To achieve this, we will provide adequate financial and physical resources, competent staff and expert advice when required.
We will deliver our services and activities in a manner that provides a safe place of work for staff, contractors and visitors and protects the environment.
Our aims and objectives are to:
· Ensure compliance with safety, health and environmental regulatory and other requirements that apply to our activities and services.
· Be fully committed to the prevention of injury and ill health to staff and visitors. We will provide safe workplaces.
· Continually develop and maintain systems and procedures to ensure that all equipment, vehicles and workplace premises are safe and do not have an adverse effect on health, wellbeing and the environment.
· Clearly define the responsibilities and duties of all employees.
· Consult and communicate with staff and representative bodies promoting safety, health, wellbeing and environmental expectations and standards.
· Identify hazards, aspects and impacts and reduce risks to as low as is reasonably practicable whilst being risk aware rather than risk adverse.
· Raise awareness, train staff in safety, health, wellbeing and environmental matters and encourage our staff to play an active role in reducing impacts and risks and contributing to policy and procedural implementation.
· Support staff fitness and wellbeing through the provision of fitness equipment, fitness assessments for operational staff and fitness support resources for all staff.
· Provide access to an Occupational Health function to comply with our statutory requirements on health surveillance and support staff health.
· Plan and set objectives to monitor and review our systems using proactive and reactive methods to continually improve our safety, health, wellbeing and environmental performance reporting progress each year.
· Have appropriate plans/arrangements to deal with emergency situations.
· Manage waste according to our duty of care, minimising waste going to landfill, by re-use and recycling wherever possible.
· Purchase goods and services that minimises the consumption of natural resources, where possible.
· Implement energy saving technologies and initiatives for our premises.
· Encourage engagement on health and wellbeing for our staff, building personal resilience and providing support for dealing with the challenging situations our staff experience.
· Hold contractors and third parties accountable for adhering to the Service’s health, safety and environmental policy and audit contractor systems and procedures to ensure satisfactory health, safety and environmental performance.
· Review all safety events to capture learning opportunities, contributing to continual improvement of our arrangements.
· Audit and review to improve systems, processes, health, safety and environmental performance.
Our policy will be displayed on all Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service premises, available and communicated to workers within the organisation and available to interested parties, as appropriate.
The policy will be reviewed periodically not exceeding three years to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate.
Nikki Hennessy Jon Charters
Chair of the Fire Authority Chief Fire Officer